
Version 24.9.4

General notes

Please note that when running the samedi app alongside other programs such as primary systems (e.g. x.concept, x.vianova, medistar, etc.), your specific requirements may be higher, as all programs run distributed over the computer resources. Please contact your system provider or IT service provider for further information.

Minimum requirements operating system (workstation)

Supported operating systems

  • Microsoft Windows 10 and higher
  • MacOS 10.15 (Catalina) and higher
  • Ubuntu Linux (current LTS version)

Minimum requirements operating system (server environments)

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016

Network shares

  • Port: 443
  • Port: 443
  • Port: 443
  • Port: 443
  • Port: 443
  • Port: 443
  • Port: 443
  • Port: 443

Terminal server environments

samedi is functional in terminal server mode, for every active user we recommend 1GB RAM for samedi. Please note that if other applications, e.g. AIS / HIS / PVS systems, are running at the same time, the power requirement can increase disproportionately, depending on the number of patients, forms and databases in active operation. Besides the Remote Desktop Services from Microsoft, most of our customers use terminal server solutions from Citrix.

In terminal server operation, we strongly recommend the use of a so-called Central Patient Index to maintain the overall network and system performance.


There is no evidence that the samedi-app does not work on virtualized operating systems.

samedi Video consultation

Windows / MacOS / Linux

  • Fully installed camera and microphone
  • Apps allowed access to the microphone in System Preferences
  • samedi App granted with permissions for camera and microphone
  • samedi App current version or current browser (Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Chrome)
  • Browser access to camera and microphone must be allowed

Android / iOS

  • Authorizations for camera and microphone required

In addition to the regular * or samedi IP ranges (see above), we need:

1. Access to samedi’s application servers

To use samedi, in general, we need to whitelist the domain * or the IP subnet:

2. Access samediĀ“s STUN/TURN subdomains or IP ranges

This is necessary for the use of STUN and TURN servers.

You need to allowlist either both subdomains:


or all of these IP ranges:


3. Access to these outgoing ports

  • 80, 443 TCP and UDP
  • 3478 TCP and UDP
  • 5349 TCP and UDP
  • 10000-60000 UDP (these are usually open by default)

Minimum hardware requirements (single user)

  • Intel CPU Core i3 (DualCore) desktop CPU, at least 1.6 GHz
  • At least 4 GB RAM 1
  • At least 500 MB free disk space for the samedi app (more if you have more than 5,000 patients)
  • Network connection at least 100Mbit

Minimum hardware (server) requirements - 20 simultaneously logged in users

  • At least server board with Intel Xeon CPU, 4 x 2.4GHz (6 cores recommended)
  • Main memory min. 32GB (in addition to the memory requirements of specific, other applications) 2
  • At least 10 GB SAS-HDD
  • Network connection at least 1Gbit

Further remarks and recommendations

  • An Internet connection is required for all usage scenarios. As a rough guideline for the bandwidth requirements, we recommend 2Mbit per registered user.
  • In Microsoft operating systems, the on-board network/internet configuration must not be completely blocked by a Group Policy Order.
  • Every computer should have an up-to-date anti-virus program. Signatures must also be updated at all times.
  • For accessing samedi via browser we recommend the current versions of the following browsers:
    • Chrome
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Microsoft Edge
    • Safari
  • When using an AIS interface the samedi desktop app must be installed
  • The samedi appointment note printing does not support dot-matrix printers and Word is required for individual appointment notes

  1. The information on the storage requirements of the individual workstations includes the assumption that other primary systems (AIS / HIS / PVS) as well as usual software applications run simultaneously. [return]
  2. The specified memory requirements for servers always refer to 20 simultaneously logged in and actively working users, a database size of more than 10,000 patients and the assumption that common AIS / HIS / PVS systems are running on the server. [return]